Rangers of Shadow Deep: Role-Playing Adventure!
Available now in PDF and Print-on-Demand from DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/511835/rangers-of-shadow-deep-roleplaying-run-down-the-racklan?affiliate_id=132096
Rangers of Shadow Deep is not a role-playing game… so why did I write a role-playing adventure for it?
Because I had a Rangers story to tell that just didn’t fit the regular format of the game, and I thought some players might want to try something different. Because I needed to stretch my game writing muscles and give myself a new little challenge. Because… I just thought it would be fun.
In Run Down the Racklan, the Rangers board a barge in the Tollanian Principalities headed for the distant city of Portrerik. What should be a simple and restful week long trip soon becomes a dangerous journey of mystery, intrigue, and violence that will test their wits every bit as much as their swords.
It includes all of the rules needed to convert the game into an RPG, but it will need a Game Master. Some of the adventure uses miniatures on the table top, but a lot will take place in the theatre of the mind.
So, if you’ve got a gaming group and you’d like to run them through a different kind of Rangers game, give it a look.
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