
Rangers of Shadow Deep Compendiums — 17 Comments

  1. Joseph,

    I pre-ordered this book already. I always like hardbound books. I have all your supplements from Drive-Thru RPG and I would absolutely buy a compendium to match this one. Thank you for creating this wonderful world. I enjoy it immensely.

    Paul T – Buda, Texas, USA

  2. Definitely interested in a second compendium, not a doubt. From this point on, will everything ‘brand new’ for Rangers be published through Modiphius?

  3. Is this a supplement to the original book, thus replacing it, or is it an add one we can get to enhance our experience with the game?

  4. Will the adventure compendium II again be included in the next expansion?
    I like to have all rangers books in paperback/hardcover, but not necessarily the same content three times…

    Sorry I don’t like the compendium anymore.

  5. Totally up for the 2nd compendium. I bought the first one even though I had already bought most of the content. Gave my original print on demand rule book and those supplements to my little cousins. Will totally be upgrading to this new version too.

  6. I ordered my copy of A Gathering of Heroes last week, enjoying the PDF and looking forward to receiving the physical book. I’d love to see a Compendium 2 with the remaining 3 supplements.

  7. I’d also love for the Rescue Trilogy to be released together as a compendium; I’d just really like having the whole saga all together that way.

  8. Vampires are the vampire hunter’s chosen enemy (makes sense) and there is an xp bonus when a vampire hunter kills a vampire, but vampires don’t seem to be in the bestiary. Is there another supplement with vampires? Do you have plans to introduce vampires to the RoSD universe in future?

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